11.04.2010 Public by Mogrel

Argumentative essay on zoo animals - Argumentative Essays | Zoo | Argument

Argumentative essay on zoo animals. English essay for form 3 days persuasive essay activities high school library haverford honor code essay kindergarten essay title.

Argumentative Essay on Keeping Animals in Zoo

For instance, animals like the wilder beasts live in groups that migrate over long distances while elephants on average walk for over 50 km a day in packs. However, zoos can only provide minimal acres of land for the animals to walk about thereby making the environments unnatural and uncomfortable for the animals.

argumentative essay on zoo animals

Zoos are a premise of captivity for animals that makes them crazy. Imprisoning of animals in small cages housed in poorly managed zoos that fail to meet the necessary standards, averts them from behaving naturally. As a result, suffer from zoochosis condition, which elicits stress, strange behavior of hurting themselves due to frustration and boredom; they become inactive and increasingly pace around.

argumentative essay on zoo animals

Moreover, the animals adopt aggressive behavior that results in them lashing out and injuring or killing people. Zoos are not educational.

argumentative essay on zoo animals

Zoos operate on the premise that they provide an opportunity for the public to learn about history coursework arab israeli conflict. However, this is untrue, as keeping animals in confined and unnatural environments tend to alter their natural behavior, character, and responses.

Thus, persons visiting the zoos observe the altered behavior marred by boredom, stress, and loneliness.

argumentative essay on zoo animals

Moreover, keeping animals in zoos teach people that it is okay to lock up and make animals miserable for their personal gain. Therefore, by gaining pleasure and entertainment from making animals suffer is a horrible lesson to learn. Proponents of keeping animals in zoos argue that zoos offer the best forms of protection for animals.

argumentative essay on zoo animals

According to them, animals receive protection from poaching and predators that are out to kill them. Additionally, by argumentative in animal programs, zoos believe they protect various species from essay extinct, therefore, making them positive institutions to exist. However, this is untrue as zoo zoos keep the animals in deplorable environments whey they lack food and adequate medical care.

argumentative essay on zoo animals

Introduction Should animals be kept in Zoos? I believe that animals should be allowed to enjoy their own natural habitat and live with their family freely, not trapped behind bars and cages.

argumentative essay on zoo animals

I do not agree that animals should be kept in zoos. Most people go to the zoo purely for entertainment and I strongly believe that animals were not created for that purpose only. Zoos claim to educate people argumentative essay on polygamy preserve species, a lot of animals are trapped in cages and also animals are forced to live in climates they are not adapted to.

argumentative essay on zoo animals

Zoos teach people that it is acceptable to keep animals in captivity, bored, cramped, lonely, and far from their natural homes. But, sometimes they are suffering from more lack of care in some zoos.

argumentative essay on zoo animals

Most zoo enclosures are quite small, and labels provide lack of information, diet, and natural range. Zoo visitors usually spend only a few minutes at each display, seeking entertainment rather than education.

argumentative essay on zoo animals

In my opinion, they shouldn't be kept in zoos. They were born in the wilderness and should live and die in this environment.

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They live in the wild with spacious and natural environment, however many humans kept them in the zoo, as an attraction for the sake of the money.