Nuclear power is a necessary evil ielts essay
'agree or disagree' essay I have been looking into this essay: Nuclear power is necessary evil.
As members of a society, whyshould we be obliged to subject our children to this potentially harmful practice?

For these reasons I feel strongly that immunisation programmes should not be obligatory andthat the individual should have the right to choose whether or not to participate. However, I feel the question is not whether they should immunise but whether, asmembers of society, they have the right not to.
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As a result of the widespread practice of immunising young childrenin our society, many lives have been saved and the diseases have been reduced to almostzero. In previous centuries children died from ordinary illnesses such as influenza and tuberculosisand because few people had immunity, the diseases essay resignation letter easily. Diseases such as dysenterywere the result of poor hygiene but these have long been eradicated since the arrival of goodsanitation and clean water.

Nobody would suggest that we should reverse this good practicenow because dysentery has been wiped out. Serious diseases such as polio and smallpox have also been eradicated through nationalimmunisation programmes.
In consequence, children not immunised are far less at risk in thisdisease-free society than they would otherwise be.

Parents choosing not to immunise arerelying on the fact that the diseases have already been eradicated. If the number of parentschoosing not to immunise increased, there would be a similar increase in the risk of thediseases returning. Immunisation is not an issue like seatbelts which affects only the individual.
IELTS Writing Task 2: How to write an introductionA decision notto immunise will have widespread repercussions for the whole of society and for this reason,I do not believe that individuals have the right to stand aside. In my opinion immunisationshould be obligatory. Disruptive school students have a negative influence on others.

Students who are noisy and disobedient should be grouped together and taughtseparately. Do you agree or disagree?
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Give reasons for your answer. There is no doubt that some students law thesis statement schools behave badly and their behaviour causesdifficulty for others either because it has a negative effect on the group or because ordinarystudents find it difficult to study with them.
One solution is to take these students away and teach them on their own.

essay on globalization and privatization However, if wesimply have them removed after one or two warnings, we are limiting their educationalopportunities because it seems to me that a school which caters for difficult students is a sortof "prison" whatever name you give it and the people who go there may never recover fromthe experience.
This can then cause problems for the wider society.
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Perhaps we need to look at why the disruptive students behave badly before we separatethem. To claim that large amounts of energy generating greenhouse gases would be required to mine, process and enrich uranium, and to construct and later decommission nuclear power stations simply ignores a wealth of real-world data.
Authoritative and independently verified business plan contact center analyses have repeatedly shown that energy inputs to nuclear power are as low as, or lower than, wind, hydro and solar thermal, and less than half those of solar photovoltaic panels.
In a future all-electric society — which includes electric or synthetic-fuelled vehicles supplied by nuclear power plants — greenhouse gas emissions from the nuclear cycle would be zero.

Finally, when all other arguments have been refuted, critics fall back on the claim that nuclear power takes too long to build or is too expensive compared to renewable energy. These arguments are perhaps the most regularly and transparently false arguments thrown up by those trying to block nuclear power from competing on a fair and level playing field with other energy sources.
Essay on nuclear power
Is nuclear power enough? Many environmentalists believe the best low-carbon solution is for governments to guide us back to simpler, less energy-consuming lives, a vastly less consumer-oriented world. Notions like that are unrealistic. The world will continue to need energy, and lots of it. But fossil fuels are not a viable future option. Nor are renewables the main answer.
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Many people believe that scientific research should be carried out and controlled by the governments rather than private companies.
To what extent do you agree or disagree with this opinion? You should spend about 40 minutes on this task. You should write at least words.
This is somewhat embarrassing, isn’t it?
Fishbone problem solving wikipedia is no doubt that scientific research can provide a lot of wealth to a country. However, it is a matter of debate whether these researches should be carried out by governments or private companies. From my point of view, both the governments and private companies should be actively involved in scientific researches.
There is a strong argument why scientific researches should not be done only by the government. Government has so much else on its shoulders.

It has to provide infrastructure such as transportation, hospitals and education institutes to the citizens. Then it has to support the defence services and even maintain law and order in the country.
IELTS Writing Task 2 – Many people believe that scientific research should be carried out
There are some areas, however, where only the government should carry out and control scientific research. Firstly, researches into nuclear technology and national defence are very crucial.
They cannot be left into the hands of private companies. Secondly, some researches are only for the advancement of knowledge.
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In such research the private companies have no incentive. So the government should take the leading role. There are many areas in which private companies should participate in scientific researches.

To begin with, researches are done more efficiently by private companies because they are profit driven. Every dollar is spent wisely to ensure maximum benefits and every resource is used effectively to avoid waste.

Also, researches by private companies are closely associated with market needs. Private companies are market oriented so they always come up with inventions that have practical values that can increase productivity and improve life.
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For example, researches in cosmetics and cough medicines. Both, governments and private companies should be active in scientific research. Some researches should be done only by the government, some by private companies and in some the resources can be shared.

jazz paper thesis It is common that many private companies in many countries carry out scientific researches and programs. However, because of the advantages of sufficient funding, reinforced security, and supporting for non-profit programs, in my opinion, scientific researches should be carried out and controlled by the governments.