20.12.2010 Public by Mogrel

Odd and even homework ks1

Odd and even numbers worksheets in this page reinforce the knowledge in recognizing odd and even numbers using various skills. Over 50 worksheets included.

To play the game, the balls are mixed up and two balls are randomly picked out together.

odd and even homework ks1

The numbers on the balls are added together: If the total is odd, you lose. How can you decide whether the game is fair?

odd and even homework ks1

Here are three more sets of balls: Which set would you choose to play with, to maximise your chances of winning? Even numbers can be paired up exactly.

odd and even homework ks1

Tell kids that odd numbers are lonely, and even numbers have a friend. Show the written number 1, and have the child get one block or counter.

odd and even homework ks1

Does 1 have a friend? No-so one is odd.

odd and even homework ks1

Repeat with number 2 and notice that 2 has a friend: When you get to number 3 and above, make one pair of 2 friends, and put the third one by itself. Give a number from I explained to kids that numbers ending in the digits 1, 3, 5, 7 or 9 are Odd Todd numbers. Even Steven, on the other hand, likes social work cover letter format to have the same amount.

We repeated our division demonstration with 6 pennies instead of the previous 5.

odd and even homework ks1

Both Even Steven and the other student walked away with the same number of pennies. Then I explained to kids that numbers ending in the digits 0, 2, 4, 6 or 8 are Even Steven Numbers.

odd and even homework ks1

They always share fair and both people get the same amount. I challenged kids to practice their new trick with some big numbers.

odd and even homework ks1
Odd and even homework ks1, review Rating: 96 of 100 based on 282 votes.

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14:19 Juramar:
Write if the numbers are odd or even in the space provided. The 9 should be in the right hand circle.

13:03 Faugore:
A second penny for Odd Todd, another for the student.

17:45 Vot:
Write if the numbers are odd or even in the space provided. Download All Coloring Activity: Download All Coloring Activity: