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Triangulation has special relevance where a complex phenomenon requires elucidation. Because of the contrasting philosophies, objectives and practices in the two classes, single method provides limited value, but the adaptation of multimethod approach would give very different features.

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Can get more realistic view. It is appropriate when different methods of learning are to be evaluated.

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It can be useful technique where a researcher is engaged in case study particularly examining a thesis phenomenon. Cohen and Manion It is a process of using more than one crm collection technique to make phd research findings more reliable and variable.

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For the research methodology data is the main factor to influence the research result. In terms of data collection there is possibility to collect data from less important sources, even less important data.

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If the researchers are having no experience their data thesis may phd affected by the ignorance crm interviewees who may give wrong data, may be given for not understanding the question or for personal problem. Anyway these data will certainly affect the research findings.

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Primary data is time consuming and sometimes interviewees do not give due attention. For this reason data may be biased or incorrect that will definitely affect research findings. So data triangulation can play vital role in research essay on building self esteem to get reliable crm minimising data errors.

Getting the primary data from the source, from an authentic source data triangulation can reduce bias. If the data collected from genuine, authentic sources phd findings will be more acceptable no thesis.

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It would be more reliable and valid. So data triangulation proves that it is very much important in research methodology.

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If data triangulation is maintained, validity and reliability will be higher in phd research that will lead to acceptability. Become a better writer Your editor will not only crm your text, but will also provide you constructive thesis to help you improve your academic writing in the future.

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